Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Change - (v.) to transform or convert

What do we think of when we hear the word change?

A lot of us tend to think some pretty negative thoughts, and rightfully so. Going through life, we experience change time and time again, and needless to say, it isn't always pleasant. Many times it rips us right out of our comfort bubbles and tosses us in the midst of something we've never before encountered.

Regardless, it's just one of those things that is inevitable as we move forward.The key though, is to keep moving forward and quit running away from it. Running doesn't make it stop, in case you haven't figured that much out.

This year, for me, is going to be a year of change. I spent New Year's in the car on my way back from Colorado (which was incredible beyond belief) and I thought over the possibilities of the coming 12 months. It's my last semester at Texas State, my last 6 months in San Marcos, time to look for a new job in my career field, etc. I even came out of a relationship at the start of the year. My best friend and I have been working on a study in becoming the women that Christ has called us to be. There is significant transformation to be done there. Of course it is going to be a year of change.

At my church, we've also been going through a series on change. It has been such an encouragement to me, as I was coming into this year with these intentions. The thing is, change takes risk. It is uncertain what a change will bring. What we can rest assured in though is that God has our best interest in mind, and when He's leading that change, it will greatly benefit us.

"I am Yours, Do what you wish. I am Yours, I am Yours and I know this. Whatever happens next is in Your hands, in Your plans, and nothing less." -The Rocket Summer

I hear those lyrics and I can't help but feel them stirring up this indescribable joy, this passion in my heart. To surrender yourself like that to the Lord, to give your everything to Him, it's such an amazing, scary, incredible thing. No, you don't know where He's taking you all of the time, or why, but what you can trust is that He knows and when you're following Him, you're bringing glory to Him and praising Him in the greatest way possible. And to trust that what is happening to you and inside of you is in His plan for you, and nothing less. That is amazing.

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." -Romans 12:1-2

So if this is "truly the way to worship Him," what are we waiting for? What do you need to change? What are you scared of? Why aren't you pursuing Him with everything you have? Be transformed by the Lord. Be who He has created you to be. Change - no longer conforming to the people of this world and their unholy ways.

"For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image." -2 Corinthians 3:17-18

To me, it is crazy to think that through the right changes, we are made more and more like Him. What more could you want? To know God's will, to become the person He created you to be. Personally... I am STOKED!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Be Still...

So,it's been a while. I have been going nonstop, even after finals it didn't stop: Christmas shopping, family activities, Colorado trip, etc. Things seem to all happen at once and as it's all happening, it's very hard to see all the details of the precious seconds that are incessantly flying by. I really do my best to savor time, to cherish moments, but I always seem to get mixed up in all that's happening around me everyday. I keep a journal so I have time to reflect in my life and look back on different experiences, but even so, I find myself going an entire month without writing in it. It's ridiculous, really. All of this rushing around that we do, all of this worrying we do, all of this pressure we feel to live up to the world's standards. I find myself so wrapped up in it all that I always seem to forget what I'm really here for. I hate that about myself, and I know I'm not on my own in that on going battle. As a college student who also works full time and is active in my church, I empathize with those that have a chaotic life. I know how overwhelming it can be when you don't have a peaceful moment for weeks on end. Why is it that the one place we can receive that peace from tends to linger to the bottom of our priorities?

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." -Matthew 6:33

So if God is going to supply all of our needs, why do we so easily get caught up in the day-to-day? Why do we fret over every circumstance that creeps onto our path? The uncertainty of my future is what gets to me the most. Just thinking the word "future" creates this intricate chain of thoughts that inevitably consumes my head and results in maddening worry.

"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" -Matthew 6:27

I'm undoubtedly a huge worrier. I find myself always worrying about one thing or another. And if there's nothing to worry about, I worry about not having anything to worry about, as if I'm being negligent. Funny thing is, everything always seems to fall into place. There's not a time that I can think of where things have not fallen into place, that have not worked out for the better. So, why? Why the heck to I worry?

The second I asked Christ into my heart, I turned over the reigns, I gave up control, so why do I think I can just take back that control? Why do I even want to? Where is my trust, my faith? Last night, my best friend and I went to Austin Stone, and the message was so powerful to me. The scripture included Hebrews 3:1-4:13. What it boiled down to was that the very core of every sin is unbelief. I personally had never had that perspective on sin. Sin is terrible, yes, but seeing it as unbelief put a different meaning to it. Unbelief that our Father, our Creator, doesn't have it under control, that He doesn't know what's best for us.

Of course, I already knew worrying is a sin and I've been working on it for a good while now. I also knew that I needed to trust God during those times that I get so overwhelmed with worry, but I'd never fully grasped that I wasn't believing in Him and His promises to me. This not only applies to worrying, but to all sin. God's Word is full of His promises for us, and they will be fulfilled.

That's what happens when you get caught up in this world and get too busy for what really matters. You take your focus off of Him, off of what you're here for and you attempt to take control of things for yourself. Then, when they start slipping away, you worry. You freak the heck out! Why must we do this to ourselves, over and over again?

"Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10

Incidentally, I'm very excited for this new year that I've been blessed with and what it has to offer. There are going to be so many changes in my life, so many opportunities. I'm graduating in May, moving in July, kicking off my career, etc. I can't wait to see what He has in store :]

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4